Saturday, October 3, 2009


3 October 2005
"Today turned out to be a really good one even though we just contacted and walked around. It reminded me of all my time that I spent in Engels walking around and trying to find people to teach. Well, all in all it turned out to be a really good time even though we didn't get many addresses. We also this morning played around - well, we really just studied and that went awesome. After our studying, we got going and we headed to the office.

After not too long, we started our собрание округа and that lasted a really long time. We chatted for awhile and that was fun. I love our district and it is always way cool to chat with them and to enjoy their presence. After we chatted and got everything else done that we needed, we got back to office work. I had plenty to do and I had to of course get ready for MEC. One of the other big things we did was to get all the mission papers in order There is a lot of people that want to serve and the papers are piling up. We got most of them figured out. Well 6 came quickly and we have a goal to get out at that time so we did just that. We contacted and we found one girl who was very interested in english and wants to come and talk. We just knocked, and we had a really good time. I love that kind of work. I have plenty to do right now I will get to that. Here is to tomorrow!

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