Tuesday, October 20, 2009


20 October 2005
"I got real motivated and made chocolate revel bars. That's right! I got super motivated I guess you could say, and we bought all the stuff for it, and it only took me about an hour to get it all ready. They were super good of course, and I greatly enjoyed them. I love to eat them I guess the main reason that I made them though is because the sisters wanted them. They said that it would help them and I was bored. The day actually started by leaving early to get a missionary that will be going on a mission - Дима Королев. We took him to the office with use. We then helped Баба Нина out by burying her underground garden thing. It was wonderful to be able to serve her. We then studied before going to the office. Life there was boring so it was good to see the sisters. I worked a lot on a book for the Exec Sec, so that things will be a lot easier for him later. I was so glad to finally leave and get to choir. I love to sing and it gives such a great relief. I enjoyed that. We sang great and really enjoyed the time. Well, we got our tickets for the b-ball game we are going to in a week, and then we ran as it was late. On the way home in the gazelle, there was a lot of time to think about how blessed I am to be here. I love the opportunity to be growing so much and I am truly learning much during my time here. The Lord has blessed me more than I can imagine."

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