Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fun Day

17 October 2005
"Today just flew by. We had a ton of fun and we worked super hard. We made the best of it and so that is good. This morning, we went to the office after getting in a good morning of study. We got things together that we needed and then we started district meeting. That went way awesome, and we chatted forever. I love to meet with everyone and to relax with them and have a good time. We taught each other the law of chastity, and that didn't go so well for me. I have never taught that on my mission and it is super weird. After a long meeting, we went back to work on getting ready for ME and I worked for a while one that. We grabbed a quick bite of пельмены and we rushed into our meeting with President. Well, that went well, and I didn't get too many things that I need to do now. The mission is alright, and we are working hard for the most part.

After the meeting, I worked on getting talks together from General Conference. I am going to have them all tomorrow. Well, after I did that, we headed out for a meeting with a member that we had. It was a meeting with Галина Конаваленко, and it went well. She has a daughter who lives in Murray, and she asked me to take some things for her. She also gave us a referral, so that is awesome too. I love such awesome meetings. We came home, and now I am eating chips and a рулеть and am going to write in the area book! What an exciting time to be serving the Lord."

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