Monday, January 4, 2010


4 January 2006
"This morning we slept in and then we went and payed for the branch apartment. We cleaned up there a bit before we decided to go buy some food on the рынок.We got stuff really really cheap and we got a bunch of it too. We stopped by home before we decided to head over to write home. That went pretty well, and things are going well at home. They brought in the New Year and things are cool that way. We then went to chill in the Баня. That is like a sauna but it is super popular. So, we went and chilled there. It was way sweet. There was one room that was so hot. You threw water on these rocks, and then it got hotter. You were then suppose to get in this pool type thing...

We were there for like an hour and a half, and it was sweet. We then went and watched Elf for English lesson, and that was cool. I have a ton to do tonight."

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