Friday, January 8, 2010


8 January 2006
"I thought I would die from hunger today. We didn't eat for 3 more hours then we planned and I walked around like a zombie. After the meeting today, we went right with Илья to see some members and congratulate them with the holidays that we just had. We ended up buying stuff today on the Sabbath because Илья thought that it was necessary. We thought otherwise, but we went and bought some cake, and gave it to several members. We stopped by to one lady in the hospital and sang with her some hymns, and had a sweet time. It felt cool be in the hospital and sing off to the side. None of our investigators came to the meeting and that was too bad. Everyone said that I didn't look so good today and asked why.

I think one of the main reasons is because I have been thinking a ton lately. I have thought a lot about how to help the missionaries that are here, and see how I can bless their missions. I fasted for them this morning and came to the conclusion that we need to focus more on our goal as being a missionary. I will talk with them about not giving into the smallest temptation, and about how that is the start. President Макаров talked about that this morning and I thought it was perfect for me. I love fasting and the blessings that come from it!"

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