Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Work Harder

6 January 2006
"We are back in Penza after a great conference in Saratov. We had a way awesome time there learning about all of the different qualities of Jesus Christ which we want to have in ourselves. Elder Steiner and I taught милосердие и усердие (charity and diligence). It was cool to be up in front of everyone and to teach them. The missionaries right now seem to be less worried about the work than earlier. They don't speak in Russian hardly ever although I try to always speak it - its a mission rule. The mission has changed a lot since I came, and the missionaries seem less focused. Maybe it is just because they are so young.

For lunch we had pizza from Papa John's which is always a booster. We enjoyed all of conference, and then we stayed after for interviews. President said to me that to fix problems we need to read Preach My Gospel more, and the white hand book. He said also that a church building here in Penza depends more on the faith then on the numbers. President is a very inspired man, and I am grateful to be serving under him. On the way home, we talked a little about getting our calling on a mission. I remember how happy I was, and touched by the spirit when I opened my call. I had one month to prepare to serve the Lord. What an amazing things to have opened that calling, and to now be here on my mission. The lord knows us and our needs."

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