Friday, February 26, 2010


26 February 2006
"It was another quick one, and we didn't get a whole lot done, but we had a couple of good meetings. Well, we started out the day by going to church as usual. All went pretty well but Владик didn't come and so we couldn't set up a meeting with him. There was not that many people there as they had to work since the 23 was a holiday. Well, we came home and ate some pretty good rice that we downed fairly quickly and then we threw in a power nap to energize ourselves. We headed out to take are of some problems with the apartment in the other area - I am tired of so may problems with apartments. We stopped by to the other elders house where we chatted for a bit. Tonight we went to meeting with Гладков to see Малышев. That went really well, and they are both good men. I caught a glimpse of the Olympics - skiing and shooting - so that was cool. Гладков then came home over here where he bothered us for about an hour while I gathered stats and other stuff I did. Tomorrow we will have a couple of meetings so that is cool, and all should go well. I want to serve the Lord with all my might these last 7 weeks. I know that is I will, my life will be so much more blessed and I will be satisfied with my mission and all that happened. "

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