Monday, February 22, 2010


22 February 2006
"Today was pretty sweet day, and we didn't really do anything. We kind of just took it easy. This morning, we cleaned up the apartment and got things in order around here. We took off and wrote home where things are going as usual. My sister is moving back home for a bit, and BJ is working well. We wrote home and all went well that way, and then we took off and bought our food for the next week or so. We went to the branch apartment where my come helped Маша with her computer, and I worked on cleaning the joint up a little bit. It was really bad there, but it is a lot better. Well, then we ate at Трио Пицца and they had the Olympics on (cross country skiing) and we glanced every now and then. It was way sweet and I love the Olympics. After that we stopped into a book store and did a lot of looking around. It was cool and then we had English. We ended the night that way, and it should be a good one tomorrow. I feel a bit better today, and hopefully my headache will disappear once we start to work again."

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