Thursday, February 25, 2010


25 February 2006
"Today was sure a good day. I enjoyed it a lot although we didn't do a ton. I needed a day to rejuvenate. I have been working on playing "Верю в Христа" on the piano, and it is going decent. I am getting better, but I still have a lot for work to do. We headed out for some contacting this morning, but there was so few people on the streets. Well, we then bought a few things before we went and had a bit to eat at a little Russian cafe. It was actually decent, and a lot better than what we have been eating. We had собрание миссионеров and that went well. It was crazy how loud everyone was. We then went to sports night where we had a pretty good time. I love to play because I work up such a good sweat, and it is nice to do something once a week. I talked with Ирина (подруга Ани Ф.) for a bit and that was cool. She is a great girl and she wants to hear the lessons but her parent won't let her unfortunately. Well, I feel better today as I was able to relax a little and let some of my load off. Tomorrow it is back to work we go."

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