Saturday, August 22, 2009

Late Night

22 August 2005
"I thought I would have some time tonight to write at home but we are here for my companion to work on a little film that the President wants to take with him to Moscow with him. Well we are going to give it to him tonight so that means that we have a lot to do. So we also have to help the sisters from the Bezimanski branch as they lost the keys from their apartment and they need some keys to be able to open their apartment. They think that they might be here – an extra pair – but I have so many keys that I would have no idea. This morning we went early to the airport with Tolkachov and that was cool. He is going to be a great missionary I think and although he was a little worried I don’t think he will have any problems. We got back home and then we came to the office where I pulled statistics together, and where I also pulled together some things for MEC. We ate some of the soup again that we ate and that was really good and I really enjoyed it a ton. We did a good job making that. Well after lunch we had MEC and that went well. We heard that it might be possible that the elders will be coming back that got deported. I guess they had a talk with an important person in the FBI and there is a chance that these missionaries might be coming back. Nothing will be for sure until tomorrow and so we are praying hard so that they can come back but we will see tomorrow. We talked forever about things that we need to do and things like that before we had to go to work again. We ran away right after MEC to the church as there was an FHE there. Larissa – on of the young women in the ward did the lesson and it was way awesome. She has only been a member for 10 months but you wouldn’t believe it. She is way cool and she taught a way awesome lesson. Well we ate and enjoyed everything there before we came back to the office and Elder Ehlert is working with Bennett to get everything set up of the film. Well I am kind of bored although I have plenty to work on tonight and all. I got a bunch of letters though so that is nice and I have been reading them. I love the support that I get, and I love it. Maybe we will end up sleeping here tonight but who knows. Maybe not. I think Sister Ehlert will have to hit her husband soon so they get out of here at a decent time. At least I’m young. What a life, what a life…."

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