Monday, August 17, 2009


17 August 2005
"I love meeting with Tom. He is such a great guy. We had a way sweet meeting with him. We talked about the sabbath day, and about the word of wisdom and law of chastity. He accepted it all without problem. He just kept surprising us and he knows so much and is very open to the gospel. He knows a ton and he is reading and praying. He said that he wants to come to church so hopefully that will be this week. He is awesome and always feels the spirit.

Well, we went early this morning to the office as we had a meeting with the elders. We had to get things ready as they were flying off to Moscow. It was insane but I think I got it all taken care of. Well, once they left, things got real quiet in the office and we just worked on things. The main thing I did was getting ready for leaving elders in 6 weeks. It went well, and I got that done. I also worked on getting all the phone numbers together for President to take to Moscow. We had lunch, and our meeting and then we went to the church to play with the priesthood. I played chess and got my butt kicked. I also played some phase 10 and that was cool. It is cool to be a missionary and to get out to see people and to work. I truly love to share the gospel with people."

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