Saturday, April 10, 2010


10 April 2006
"Another day gone, and it also just flew by. So this morning we got up and had a good time. We studied and all that good stuff before we went and did our contacting. that went well, and we had a good time even though we didn't have much luck. We headed to собрание округа where I slept for a bit before we started our meeting. The meeting went alright, but nothing all that great. We grabbed a bite to eat before we went on exchanges. I went off with Anand and we headed out to the country to find some former members. We found out they had all moved or else they are против. We came back into the city where we stopped by to the apartment for a minute before we headed to our FHE with the Филипповы. That went fairly well, and I enjoyed it a lot. We chatted forever and I showed them a bunch of pictures from the mission, and all in all, it was a lot of fun. I felt really good there, and I enjoyed it. We are now home and I am headed to bed. Another day ahead of us tomorrow."

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