Sunday, April 11, 2010


11 April 2006
"Today was a pretty sweet day other than I was dead tired. So we started the day with a meeting at a members house. We were doing home teaching with Анатолий Смолькин and that went well. So that was alright other than the fact that he repeated the Lord's prayer at the end. Well, I got back with Elder Christensen and we headed to see Раиса who is doing well. She had a good time with us, and I am going to miss seeing her. We then did one of the scariest things that I've done yet on my mission - we bought my train tickets home. It was a really weird and I feel weird. We went and looked at an apartment for sisters who are going to be serving here. We had a meeting then with Баба Нина and that was cool. I enjoyed it, and I love her a ton. She is an awesome lady. Well, then we went to the branch apartment where we had a meeting with Владик. He is doing alright, but needs some help. I love the guy to death and am going to miss him. He is truly awesome. We were then at the branch apartment for a bit before we left. Things are alright there, but I was dead and now I want to sleep. I almost forgot that I gave 2 blessing today and the spirit was very strong. I blessed Сестра Макарова and Люда Герасимова. It was awesome!"

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